Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3000 through 3199   Database Engine Errors

3000 through 3199   Database Engine Errors

This section describes errors that can be returned by the database engine or the server node.

3001 - Cannot open a file that is already open

3002 - Cannot use file - not open

3003 - Exceeded maximum allowed files for database

3004 - Required DB file not included in RPS database

3009 - File encrypted and partition unspecified

3010 - Update version for illegal object type

3011 - Invalid database handle

3012 - Cannot update outside of transaction state

3013 - An error was encountered by DB file free space management

3014 - Transaction journal timestamp mismatch

3015 - Database role change in progress

3016 - An object with the same OID already exists in the database

3017 - Operation not allowed while database transactions are in progress

3018 - A database memory allocation request failed

3019 - Database control file directory not found

3020 - Access to a database file denied

3021 - Open of a database file failed

3022 - Illegal attempt to open a file in an unsupported format

3023 - Database file requires recovery

3024 - Database duplicate begin transaction

3025 - Database journal directory not valid on this machine

3026 - Database mode conflict

3027 - Database usage conflict

3028 - Database file is in use by another process

3029 - Database audit error

3030 - Database control file version not supported

3031 - Database control file is required but was not found

3032 - Cannot create an object version that already exists

3033 - A database write encountered an out of disk condition

3034 - File compaction terminated due to error

3035 - Errors encountered certifying file

3036 - The database file being opened is required but was not found

3037 - No write access to database file

3038 - Database object TYPE does not match requested type

3039 - Schema to Database object size mismatch

3040 - Database is locked due to crash while not audited

3041 - Error accessing the Database control file

3042 - Unable to delete file

3043 - Unable to rename file

3044 - Unable to find backup file (.BAK)

3045 - Database directory not valid

3046 - File reorganization terminated due to error

3047 - A prior file reorganization was prematurely interrupted

3048 - Object edition invalid

3049 - Object edition out of date

3050 - File reconstruct failed

3051 - Operation aborted by user request

3052 - Database engine not initialized

3053 - Database File name not valid for file system

3054 - Cannot access invalid file number

3055 - Database already initialized

3056 - Error encountered closing database file

3057 - Database file timestamp does not match control file

3058 - Database engine failed to start

3059 - Database is locked for reorganization

3060 - Database read past the current end of file

3062 - Unexpected I-O error encountered accessing database file

3063 - Database file control record was not found

3064 - Object record not resident in cache

3065 - Record sequence exception in transaction journal

3067 - Invalid database role

3068 - Transaction journal format not supported

3069 - The Database Reorg Manager is still active

3071 - User disallowed replacing an existing database file

3072 - Database locked for exclusive access

3073 - Recovery across no audit usage is not possible

3074 - Database file directory was not found

3076 - Illegal update of uncommitted object buffer

3077 - Maximum time to wait for quiet point was exceeded

3078 - Unexpected error accessing btree

3079 - Database is locked for archive backup

3080 - Database was not initialized in read only schema mode

3081 - A re-entrant call was made for the same database user

3082 - Attempt to change the name or number of an existing database file

3083 - Cannot update read only system file

3084 - Cannot perform this operation when not in backup state

3085 - Failed to undo BTree operation - state is not done

3086 - Database system file directory not found

3088 - Errors encountered upgrading file

3089 - Database file doesn't require an upgrade

3090 - File upgrade from this version not supported

3091 - Database is already in backup state

3092 - Attempt to use invalid backup mode for a backup transaction

3093 - Cannot close transaction journal during an online backup

3094 - Cannot perform this operation when database requires recovery

3095 - The backup directory parameter cannot be null for this operation

3096 - The attempted database operation is not valid in its current mode

3097 - Transaction journal is not the correct edition

3098 - A database file checksum error was encountered

3099 - Database file header record is invalid

3100 - Illegal transient object reference sent to persistent DB

3101 - Illegal persistent object reference sent to transient DB

3102 - Database state not valid for roll-forward recovery

3103 - Database character set encoding not compatible with the software

3104 - Process opening database is running on an incompatible OS platform

3105 - Non local drive not supported

3106 - Database file access at invalid address

3107 - Fetched record type doesn't match expected type

3108 - Fetched record length doesn't match expected length

3109 - Fetched record OID doesn't match requested OID

3110 - Roll-forward terminate date-time antedates audit trail

3111 - Insufficient system resources

3112 - Database transaction audit file has exceeded maximum size

3113 - Database recovery not possible - fatal error encountered

3114 - Checksum mismatch in fetched data

3115 - GetObject request buffer too small

3116 - Database file is locked for reorganization

3120 - The database file is not defined in the control file

3121 - The database file or file partition is not created

3122 - Parameter value is out of range

3123 - Access to objects in this secondary database is currently disabled

3124 - Backup is incomplete or backupinfo corrupted

3125 - A required transaction journal was not found

3126 - Roll-forward terminate journal value is invalid

3127 - Object State Manager Entry not found

3128 - Licensed database size exceeded

3129 - Database control file does not require upgrade

3130 - Invalid record sequence data in transaction journal

3131 - Class version of journal record does not match requested version

3134 - Inconsistent system file versions

3135 - Null Audit header exception

3137 - Error encountered Redoing a BTree operation

3138 - Error encountered Undoing a BTree operation

3139 - Error encountered Undoing a block operation

3140 - Error accessing a database partition control file

3141 - Partition operation not valid file is not partitioned

3142 - Cannot change the partitioned state of an instantiated file

3143 - Database Partition not found

3144 - Cannot access an offline file partition

3145 - Database partition is locked for admin

3146 - Partition ID or partition index is out of range - refer to jommsg.log

3147 - Operation not valid partition required for object creation

3148 - Reorganization collection FastBuild invalid parameter

3149 - Reorganization collection FastBuild I-O error

3150 - Reorganization collection FastBuild assert failed

3151 - Reorganization collection FastBuild construction error

3153 - Invalid record size for database file

3154 - Invalid buffer size for database file

3155 - Read-write operation conflicts with file mode

3156 - Cannot perform this operation when in backup state

3157 - Predecessor reorg job was unsuccessful

3158 - Partition method execution failed refer to server jommsg.log

3159 - Partition not assigned

3160 - Partition for parent of single file UDR has not been assigned

3161 - Partition modulus cannot be set to a value outside the range of 1 to 1024

3162 - Cannot access an offline database file

3163 - Cannot perform this operation on a partitioned database file

3164 - Reorganization has no map entries for class mutate

3165 - Operation not valid for an online partition

3166 - Creation window cannot include frozen partitions

3167 - Cannot perform this operation on a non-empty partition

3168 - Reorganization collection FastBuild replay error

3169 - Rollback stack boundary error

3170 - Database is locked for rollback

3171 - Delta database ID mismatch

3172 - Operation not permitted when database is in delta mode

3173 - File not backed up

3174 - Base backupinfo is newer than delta backupinfo

3175 - Partitioned status of file differs in base and delta backupinfo files

3176 - Base backupinfo is not full backup

3177 - Fetched block type does not match expected type

3178 - File unusable - initialisation incomplete

3179 - The file must be created as an encrypted file

3180 - Operation not permitted on this file

3181 - Attempt to replay incomplete journal

3182 - SingleFile JadeBytes file is ReadOnly

3183 - Database INI file is missing or invalid

3186 - Operation not valid: partition being purged

3187 - Object buffer partition may only be set during create

3189 - Operation not permitted when database has files or partitions with unaudited=true

3190 - Operation not permitted on file or partition with unaudited=true

3191 - Database is locked for snapshot backup

3192 - Snapshot recovery terminated before end-snapshot condition established

3193 - Roll-forward terminate serial number is earlier than audit trail

3194 - Roll-forward terminate before backup recovery complete