Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3000 through 3199 - Database Engine Errors > 3039 - Schema to Database object size mismatch

3039   Schema to Database object size mismatch


This error occurs if the size of an object buffer that is passed in a JADE Object Manager request does not match the size of the object that is stored in the database. This error normally means that there is a mismatch between the schema definition of an object and the physical representation of that object on disk. For example, this error can occur if the definition of a class changes when properties are added or removed, but the required class versioning and reorganization does not result in the necessary changes to object instances of that class in the database.

This error can also occur in a deployment situation where schema or data files are selectively replaced and where, for any reason, the schema definition for a class no longer matches the instances in the database.


If the error occurs in the persistent database, the only way to correct the problem is to undo the action that resulted in the error. This may involve restoring schema files or both schema and data files from a backup.

You can use the JADE messages log file (jommsg.log) to determine the object identifier (OID) of the instance that has a size mismatch. The log shows the size discrepancy and you can determine the class number from the oid. The class number and size mismatch should provide an indication of the source of the problem.

If your JADE licenses include support, you should also report this type of problem to your JADE support center to obtain assistance and to record the fault.