Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3000 through 3199 - Database Engine Errors > 3035 - Errors encountered certifying file

3035   Errors encountered certifying file


This error occurs if a certification operation encounters an error while verifying the integrity of the structures in a database file using the JADE Database utility, or checking the integrity of the database control file using the dbcontrolcheck.exe program.


If the error occurred when running an online backup with the certify option set, save a copy of the damaged database files, the transaction journal files, the JADE messages log file (jommsg.log), and the certify.log file or the backup.log file

If the error occurred when using the dbcontrolcheck.exe program, run the following command to fix the control file entries and the DbFile instances, where possible.

dbControlCheck path=database-path ini=initialization-file-name [server=singleuser|multiuser] applyFixes=true

If your JADE licenses include support, contact your local JADE support center for assistance.