Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3000 through 3199 - Database Engine Errors > 3171 - Delta database ID mismatch

3171   Delta database ID mismatch


This error occurs when a database server node is started with the delta database active and the root database does not match the delta database that was created from it when the root database went into delta mode most recently.

A check is made to ensure that the delta database and root database match. If they do not match, the server node is shut down. The following diagnostic messages are recorded in the JADE messages (jommsg.log) log file.

*** ERROR: Delta database ID does not match the ID of the last delta ID created by this root ***"
*** Root created delta database ID: { <uuid of the last delta database created by root database> } ***
*** Failed to activate delta mode with delta database ID: { <uuid of the delta database> } ***


Locate and restore the required version of the delta database. If this is not possible, the server node can be started in non-delta mode by setting the ResetDeltaModeOnRestart parameter in the [JadeServer] section of the JADE initialization file to true.

The server node takes the root database out of delta mode and restarts in normal mode; that is, not using a delta database. The contents of the delta database are lost and it will be re-created when the delta database is next activated.

If all else fails, the clearDeltaMode command of the batch JADE Database utility can be used to clear the delta mode state persisted in the root database control file.