Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3000 through 3199 - Database Engine Errors > 3102 - Database state not valid for roll-forward recovery

3102   Database state not valid for roll-forward recovery


This error occurs when the database determines a roll-forward recovery cannot be permitted because the database state is inconsistent with a restored offline backup.


Refer to the JADE messages log file (jommsg.log), where the reason the utility recover request was rejected is logged.

The following message is logged when a roll-forward recovery is attempted with an online backup.

Roll-Forward Recovery Error: cannot process an online backup

In this case, you must use the JADE Database utility Restore command to process an online backup.

The following message is logged when a roll-forward recovery is attempted with a database image that is not in a closed state.

Roll-Forward Recovery Error: database requires Restart Recovery

A backup containing a database image that is not in a closed state can occur if: