Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3000 through 3199 - Database Engine Errors > 3077 - Maximum time to wait for quiet point was exceeded

3077   Maximum time to wait for quiet point was exceeded


This error occurs when an operation cannot complete because a database quiet point was not achieved within a specified timeout period.

A database quiet point is a point in time when there are no database transactions in progress. When an operation requests a database quiet point and one or more database transactions are still in progress, new transactions are blocked at beginTransaction and the operation waits for MaxWaitForQuietPoint seconds for existing transactions to complete.

If in-progress transactions do not complete within the timeout period, the operation is terminated with this error and new transactions are permitted to proceed.

The MaxWaitForQuietPoint parameter can be specified in the [PersistentDb] section of the JADE initialization file.

This error can occur when programmatically transitioning a file to read-only mode by using changeAccessMode method of the DbFile class. To ensure that the file is in a consistent state for closure and reopen in read-only mode, a database quiet point is required.

This error can also occur when a Synchronized Database Service (SDS) takeover operation fails because a database quiet point was not achieved.


Consider increasing the MaxWaitForQuietPoint parameter value so that it is sufficiently long to allow the longest transactions in the application to complete.

You should also change your application code to handle this error when requesting a changeAccessMode of a DbFile to DB_READ_ONLY mode. When attempting a database takeover, ensure that all pending transactions are completed before retrying the operation.

Note that large values for the MaxWaitForQuietPoint parameter could result in transaction processing delays while pending transactions are blocked for the timeout period.