Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3000 through 3199 - Database Engine Errors > 3079 - Database is locked for archive backup

3079   Database is locked for archive backup


This error occurs if an update operation is received by the database while it is locked for archival backup.

A user has placed the database in archive or quiesced backup mode in order to temporarily suspend update operations while a database backup is taken.


Wait until the database backup is complete and then retry the operation.

As the error is continuable, you could code an exception handler that would wait an appropriate time, enter transaction state, and attempt to continue.

handler_for_3079(ex : Exception): Integer;
    if ex.errorCode = 3079 then
        app.sleep(60000);     // Wait to allow backup to complete
        beginTransaction;     // Enter transaction state again
        return Ex_Continue;
        return Ex_Abort_Action;