Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 3000 through 3199 - Database Engine Errors > 3112 - Database transaction audit file has exceeded maximum size

3112   Database transaction audit file has exceeded maximum size


This error is raised when an audit record is written to the current database journal at an offset larger than 3G bytes. If this happens, the server is shut down to ensure that the database remains in a recoverable state. However, a switch to a new journal file should occur long before the current journal reaches this size.

The journal switch mechanism could be blocked for a number of reasons. A common operationally induced cause is insufficient disk space, which can be verified by examining entries in the JADE messages log file (jommsg.log).


If lack of disk space is the cause, ensure that sufficient space is always available for the creation of database journal files; otherwise, if your JADE licenses include support, contact your local JADE support center or JADE Support, providing the JADE messages log file together with the dump file that was created when the server shut down.