Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299   JADE Object Manager Errors

2 through 1299   JADE Object Manager Errors

This section describes general errors and errors that can occur when using the JADE Object Manager.

3 - Caught an unexpected C++ exception

4 - Object not found

5 - Caught an unexpected SEH exception

6 - The designated object branch does not exist (obsolete)

7 - Caught an unexpected C++ Pure Virtual Call exception

8 - Invalid address

12 - Cannot access object in an offline file or offline file partition

30 - Server timeout

64 - Operating system or runtime error occurred, refer to jommsg.log

123 - Invalid library

124 - Cannot access memory buffer created on a different node

125 - The specified or default Jade INI file does not exist

126 - Supplied buffer size is too small

131 - This method can only be executed in single user

1000 - Invalid parameter type

1001 - Invalid directory

1002 - Invalid parameter value

1003 - Class definition not found in schema branch

1004 - Class is closed

1006 - Library not found

1007 - Cannot manually delete an exclusive subobject

1008 - Entry point not in library

1009 - Cannot set subobject reference

1010 - The requested method is not defined for the Type of the receiver

1011 - The requested property is not defined for this object class

1012 - Cannot modify system object

1013 - Shared reference to subobject

1014 - Agent error

1015 - Class agent mismatch

1016 - Cannot manually create an exclusive subobject

1017 - Invalid server mode

1018 - No memory for buffers

1019 - Cannot load schema

1020 - Too many classes

1021 - Invalid class for property

1022 - Class is incompatible with collection membership

1023 - Invalid class for key

1024 - No classmap defined for class

1025 - Already in transaction state

1026 - Not in transaction state

1027 - Object locked

1031 - Cannot update a bootstrap schema class

1032 - Cannot clear buffers in transaction state

1034 - Duplicated object

1035 - String too long

1036 - Failed to find superschema agent

1037 - Failed to find class descriptor in superschema

1038 - Failed to find base class descriptor for subschema copy

1039 - Failed to open JADE schema agent

1040 - Failed to open schema agent

1041 - Failed to open root schema agent

1042 - Invalid handle

1043 - Cannot create instances of an abstract class

1044 - Application received a forced sign off request

1045 - Assoc buffers leader not locked

1046 - Invalid class number

1047 - Invalid lock type

1048 - Update outside transaction

1049 - Database is unavailable

1051 - Invalid schema agent

1055 - Internal transaction trace information is inconsistent

1056 - Incompatible schema file

1057 - Incompatible jomscm library

1058 - Cannot set a schema in transaction state

1059 - Internal use only

1060 - Class still has subclasses

1061 - Class is referenced by other classes

1062 - Invalid context handle passed to kernel

1063 - File still has class maps assigned

1064 - Database still has a file assigned

1065 - Notification for this OID already set

1066 - Notification not set for this OID

1067 - Notification to system events can only be set on persistent objects

1068 - Feature not available in this release

1069 - The object is not the latest version

1071 - Cannot inherit method

1072 - Object has been deleted in the current transaction

1073 - Invalid put object

1074 - User must logoff

1075 - Cannot force off user

1078 - Client request is invalid

1079 - Access mode violation

1080 - Double call to JADE Object Manager

1081 - Deadlock

1082 - No memory available for notification

1084 - Invalid database usage

1085 - Read only database

1086 - Class of object is invalid in this context

1088 - Cannot manually update an automatic reference

1089 - Context error

1090 - Attempted access via null object reference

1091 - Binary too long

1092 - Object not available

1093 - Invalid lock duration

1097 - Exclusive collections cannot have subobject properties

1099 - Key path component does not have an inverse to its prior component: refer to jommsg.log

1100 - The target object is already versioned

1101 - Interface still has subinterfaces

1102 - Interface still has implementors

1103 - Already signed on

1104 - Could not terminate all user processes

1105 - Could not close all user classes

1106 - Can not update a frozen object

1107 - The current operation cannot be performed on a transient instance

1108 - Too many interfaces

1109 - Too many schemas

1110 - Too many translatable strings

1111 - Too many locale formats

1112 - Feature has been deprecated

1113 - Receiver does not implement the specified interface

1114 - The specified interface does not define this operation

1115 - The corresponding sysNotification or userNotification method has an incompatible signature

1116 - The corresponding timerEvent method has an incompatible signature

1119 - Node is terminating

1120 - The maximum number of processes are already signed on

1121 - Cannot delete versioned object due to lock conflicts

1122 - Too many exportedpackages

1123 - ExportedPackage has not been numbered

1124 - StringUtf8 too long

1125 - Cannot make an object a version of itself

1126 - Cannot conditionally change volatility from frozen if class is currently open

1128 - The target process is not valid

1130 - Cannot invoke a method marked notImplemented

1131 - Another process is currently in control of lock contention statistics

1132 - WBEM interface error when connecting or disconnecting

1133 - WBEM interface error when querying data

1134 - Collection block accessed not via a collection header method

1135 - Versioning is not supported on this platform

1136 - WBEM class name is not valid

1137 - An internal data packet inconsistency was detected

1138 - Object tracking is already active

1139 - Object tracking is not active

1141 - WBEM data exceeded maximum allowable size

1142 - Lifetime of Class instance is invalid

1144 - Class access frequency counters are not enabled

1145 - Cannot delete the parent object of the receiver

1146 - The object was updated before the lock upgrade completed

1147 - Invalid intra process request

1148 - Application signon from this node is restricted

1150 - Invalid Object Volatility Value

1151 - More than one class mapped to this DbFile

1152 - Collection class cannot be partitioned

1153 - Operation aborted due to a lock timeout

1154 - Method tracking is not allowed

1155 - Transaction trace is already currently started for this process

1156 - Transaction trace is not currently started for this process

1157 - The object is currently being used for transaction tracing

1158 - The method stack is non-empty

1159 - Update not allowed

1160 - Background Process request was not completed

1161 - Background Process request encountered a lock error

1162 - The system is not Delta Database capable

1163 - Could not change delta database mode because not all processes are idle

1164 - Parent-subobject edition mismatch

1165 - A delta database transition request is already in progress

1166 - Node already initialised

1167 - Exceeded the maximum load state-lock state nesting level

1168 - Exceeded the maximum number of nodes allowed

1169 - Node is not initialised

1170 - Node has finalised

1171 - Configuration string is readonly

1172 - Only one local server node is allowed

1173 - Class definition incomplete

1174 - Class is in use by another process

1176 - Operation not permitted instances of this class or a subclass exist

1177 - The value of the Dynamic Property is not valid for the current property definition

1178 - The type of the Dynamic Property is not valid for type of the current property definition

1179 - A feature with this number is already defined

1180 - An error occurred during Process sign off: refer to jommsg.log

1182 - Logical or Meta Certify errors encountered

1183 - Uncompiled or in error methods remain

1186 - Exceeded the maximum number of databases allowed

1200 - Class needs reorganization

1201 - Kernel stack overflow

1203 - Invalid exception class

1204 - Invalid exception instance

1205 - Method aborted

1206 - Exception handlers stack overflow

1207 - Invalid primitive number

1209 - Application terminate request

1210 - Duplicated relationship reference

1211 - Cannot delete an object that has references

1212 - Reference inverse missing

1213 - Invalid schema

1214 - Invalid application

1215 - Persistent objects cannot reference transient objects

1216 - Cannot invoke an abstract method

1217 - Application terminated

1219 - Invalid calling thread

1220 - Local file mismatch

1221 - Object locked locally

1222 - Cannot delete a currently active environmental object

1223 - Cannot establish inverse

1224 - Automatic lock ignored

1225 - Lock cannot be continued

1226 - Uninitialized notification target

1227 - Notification subscriber not found

1228 - Already in remote transaction state

1229 - Not in local transaction state

1230 - Update outside local transaction

1231 - Invalid exception code

1232 - Property has an undefined type: refer to jommsg.log

1233 - Feature has an undefined type: refer to jommsg.log

1234 - Slob or blob property has a zero sub id: refer to jommsg.log

1235 - Required database upgrade has not been run

1236 - Cannot create this instance of a system class or subclass: refer to jommsg.log

1237 - Cannot delete this instance of a system class or subclass: refer to jommsg.log

1238 - Exception handler invalid return code

1239 - Nested exceptions limit exceeded

1240 - Exceeded the maximum number of sub-objects allowed for a class

1241 - Exceeded the maximum number of slobs and blobs allowed for a class

1242 - A method executing in another node was aborted

1244 - Invalid application type

1245 - Incorrect application type

1246 - Automatic update aborted

1247 - Buffer error

1248 - Cannot execute a user schema server method in this process

1249 - Attempt to access method in an undefined library: refer to jommsg.log

1250 - Attempt to change key value in a mapping method get operation: refer to jommsg.log

1251 - A stack overflow exception handler exceeded 20 call levels

1252 - Transaction must be aborted

1253 - Application did not complete signon within the specified startup waitTime

1254 - Invalid transient class number

1255 - Invalid transient class

1256 - A transient class cannot be the superclass of another class

1257 - Transient class already registered with this number: refer to jommsg.log

1258 - The current operation cannot be performed on a transient class

1259 - Transient subclasses of Collection are not allowed

1260 - Exceeded the maximum number of transient classes allowed for a process

1263 - Cannot create persistent or shared transient instances of a transient class

1264 - Invalid type for property

1265 - Environmental object operation is out of scope for process

1266 - A non-shared transient object is being accessed by another process

1267 - Notification info object too big

1268 - Already in transient transaction state

1269 - Not in transient transaction state

1270 - Update outside transient transaction

1271 - An attempt was made to perform an

1272 - Attempt to add duplicate element to array with inverse

1273 - The requested constraint is not defined for this object class

1275 - Feature not defined so do not set inverse

1276 - Potential cache inconsistency

1277 - Lock waiting on queue to be retried

1278 - Change in a constraint removed all inverses

1279 - Automatic delete aborted

1280 - Delete children operation left children undeleted

1282 - An exception handler cannot be disarmed while it is active

1283 - Failed to open package agent

1284 - User sign-on is currently disabled

1285 - Cannot create instance of a class: refer to jommsg.log

1286 - Cannot delete instance of a class: refer to jommsg.log

1287 - Cannot subclass a final class: refer to jommsg.log

1288 - No more instances can be created because the instance id is at the maximum value

1289 - Shared transient objects cannot reference non-shared transient objects

1291 - GUI request not allowed in this context

1292 - Maximum number of local exception handlers exceeded

1293 - Required database upgrade has not been completed

1294 - Cannot read object modified by a different user

1295 - Cannot update a non-environmental object on a Secondary database

1296 - SDS Transaction Overlap

1298 - Immediate sdsCauseEvent is not allowed in this SDS context