Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299 - JADE Object Manager Errors > 1006 - Library not found

1006   Library not found


This error occurs when an external method or function references a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that cannot be found in the executable directory or within the current path.

Some platforms support a reduced feature set and are shipped without some of the usual JADE DLLs. This error could occur is you attempt to use a feature that is not available on these platforms.


Ensure that the external method specifies the correct library name. If the library name is correct, ensure that the specified DLL is present in the executable directory or within the current path (defined in the System application of your Windows Control Panel). Refer to the JADE messages log file (jommsg.log) for information that will help identify the library, entry point, and externalMethod involved.