Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299 - JADE Object Manager Errors > 1215 - Persistent objects cannot reference transient objects

1215   Persistent objects cannot reference transient objects


This error occurs if your application code attempts to reference a transient object from a persistent object.

This can be caused directly by assigning a transient reference to the property of a persistent object or indirectly by assigning a persistent reference to the property of a transient object where an inverse exists back to the persistent object (which results in an attempt to assign a reference to the transient on the persistent object).

The error can also occur if you attempt to clone or copy a persistent instance of an object from a transient instance that has references to transient objects.


Change your application code so that persistent objects do not reference transient objects.

You can use the Process class allowTransientToPersistentInvs method with a parameter of true to allow a reference to a persistent object from a transient object without its inverse being maintained. Alternatively, check the Allow Transient to Persistent Reference check box on the extended Define References dialog.

Calling the allowTransientToPersistentInvs method with a parameter of true is equivalent to checking this check box (until this method is called with a parameter value of false). For details, see "Defining an Inverse Reference Property" under "Adding a Reference Property", in Chapter 4 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

The rules for assigning references are summarized as follows.