Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299 - JADE Object Manager Errors > 1289 - Shared transient objects cannot reference non-shared transient objects

1289   Shared transient objects cannot reference non-shared transient objects


This error occurs if your application code attempts to reference a non-shared transient object from a shared transient object. This can be caused directly, by assigning a non-shared transient reference to the property of a shared transient object, or indirectly, by assigning a shared transient reference to the property of a non-shared transient object where an inverse exists back to the shared transient object (which results in an attempt to assign a reference to the non-shared transient on the shared transient object).


Change your application code so that shared transient objects do not reference non-shared transient objects.

You can use the Process class allowTransientToSharedTranInvs method with a parameter value of true to allow a reference to a shared transient object from a non-shared transient object without its inverse being maintained. The rules for assigning references are summarized as follows.