Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299 - JADE Object Manager Errors > 1090 - Attempted access via null object reference

1090   Attempted access via null object reference


This error occurs if your application code attempts to use a null object reference in a JADE language or JADE Object Manager operation. It may be that the referenced class has been defined but no instances of that class exist.

The most-common situation in which this occurs is when your code accesses a feature of an object (for example, a method or a property) by means of an object reference that has a null value. The reference can be thought of as a pointer or pathway for the operation. JADE cannot proceed past a null reference, even though JADE does allow properties and references that contain null values.


Determine why a null object reference is being used in this situation and then correct the code that led to the error. It may be that the object must be created, or you may have to change your code to ensure that the object reference is set to a value other than null. The method and source position containing the expression at which the exception was raised are reported in the error description.