Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299 - JADE Object Manager Errors > 1133 - WBEM interface error when querying data

1133   WBEM interface error when querying data


This error usually indicates that a Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) class name passed to the WBEM interface is not recognized. The WBEM interface is used by the WBEM-related wbemListClasses, wbemQueryQualifiers, wbemListInstanceNames, and wbemRetrieveData methods defined on the Node class.

This error can arise from an internal error when trying to use the WBEM interface.


Ensure that the WBEM class name used with the WBEM-related method is valid. (The wbemListClasses method can be used to list valid class names.) The JADE messages log file (jommsg.log) includes more-specific information about this error.

If the problem does not appear to be related to an invalid WBEM class name and your JADE licenses include support, contact your local JADE support center or JADE Support.