Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299 - JADE Object Manager Errors > 1131 - Another process is currently in control of lock contention statistics

1131   Another process is currently in control of lock contention statistics


This error indicates that a process has attempted to use the beginLockContentionStats method, the clearLockContentionStats method, or the endLockContentionStats method defined in the System class when it is not the process that started lock contention recording.

A lock contention occurs when a lock request on an individual persistent object is rejected or queued because the object is already locked.

Lock contention information is recorded on the database server node. The information recorded includes the number of contentions, the total time processes have spent waiting for a lock on each object, and the maximum time spent waiting for each lock.


Retry the operation later when the process that was in control of lock contention recording has caused it to end. The queryLockContentionStats method defined in the System class can be used to find the process that currently has control of lock contention recording.