Product Information > JADE Encyclopaedia of Classes – Volume 2 > Chapter 1 - System Classes > queryLockContentionStats


queryLockContentionStats(active:       Boolean output;
                         startingProc: Process output;
                         maxEntries:   Integer output;
                         startTime:    TimeStamp output);

The queryLockContentionStats method of the System class retrieves information about the current recording of lock contentions.

A lock contention occurs when an attempt to lock a persistent object is queued or rejected because the object is already locked. For details about the information returned in the output parameters, see "System::queryLockContentionStats Method", in Chapter 4 of the JADE Object Manager Guide.

This method is not available on a Compact JADE node, where it would result in a 1068 - Feature not available exception.

The recording of lock contentions is under the control of the process that initiated the recording; that is, only that process can stop or restart recording of lock contentions. Although any process can use the queryLockContentionStats method, it should be assume that recording can stop or restart at any time, if it is not the process that started the recording.