Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299 - JADE Object Manager Errors > 1018 - No memory for buffers

1018   No memory for buffers


This error often occurs if a cache setting is too small (for example, when you attempt to load a large image file).

When a process needs to place an object in the transient cache and the cache is full, objects must be swapped out of the cache to make room.

If the process currently has the most amount of cache allocated to it, it swaps out its own objects. If not, one of the other processes is requested to swap out its objects. Because there may be a delay before this process swaps out its objects, the cache is temporarily expanded to allow the new object to be placed into it.

The process that has been requested to swap out objects does so when it next attempts to allocate cache space or it has been detected as idle (that is, there have been no cache allocations for between 10 and 20 seconds). When temporarily expanded, the maximum by which the cache is allowed to exceed the specified size is 50 percent. If the excess is greater than 50 percent, this error occurs.

It can also occur if a cache setting exceeds physical memory, or if there is not enough physical memory for the system.


Increase the size of your cache to allocate more memory for caching database objects. For details, see the TransientCacheSizeLimit and ObjectCacheSizeLimit parameters in the [JadeServer] and [JadeClient] sections of your JADE initialization file. For details, see the JADE Initialization File Reference.

Alternatively, correct the cache setting if it is too large, or close some other applications to free up memory.