Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 2 through 1299 - JADE Object Manager Errors > 1099 - Key path component does not have an inverse to its prior component: refer to jommsg.log

1099   Key path component does not have an inverse to its prior component: refer to jommsg.log


This error occurs if you have defined a key path that has a component that does not have an inverse to its prior component.

When a collection with key paths participates in a relationship (that is, a reference of the collection type is used as an inverse), the following applies.

Consider the following example.

class                    Person
reference                myEvent of type Event

class                    Event
attribute                timestamp of type Timestamp

member key dictionary    PersonByEventDict
membership               Person
key path                 myEvent.timestamp 

In this example, accessing an instance of Person or Event (thereby opening its class) would result in a 1099 - Key path component does not have an inverse to its prior component exception because there is no property on Event that is an inverse of the myEvent property on Person. The timestamp component of the key path is therefore missing an inverse to its prior component, myEvent. In this case, the solution is to ensure that myEvent on Person has at least one inverse on the Event class.


For each component of the key path (except for the first), ensure that the class on which it is defined has at least one inverse to the prior component in the key path. If this is not possible, you cannot use a key path in this case.