Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 6000 through 6999   JADE Compiler Errors

6000 through 6999   JADE Compiler Errors

This section describes the errors that can be returned during compilation.

6000 - Could not open file

6001 - Error while reading file

6002 - Memory allocation failed

6003 - Cannot load entry point

6004 - Invalid token

6005 - Invalid number

6006 - Invalid timestamp

6007 - Token too long

6008 - Hex integer too long

6009 - Hex character exceeds maximum character value

6010 - Hex literal contains non-hex character

6011 - String delimiter mismatch

6012 - Cannot compile user method in RootSchema context

6018 - Option should be assigned a value

6019 - Invalid option

6020 - Unknown schema

6021 - Unknown library

6022 - Unknown class

6023 - Unknown type

6024 - Unknown property

6025 - Unknown method

6026 - Unknown property or method

6027 - Unknown identifier

6029 - Unknown translatable string or user format

6030 - Unknown external function

6031 - Unknown database file

6034 - Class already defined with a different superclass

6035 - Constant already defined in another schema

6036 - Constant already defined in another class

6037 - Constant already defined in another primitive type

6038 - Translatable string already defined in another locale

6039 - Locale format already defined in another schema

6040 - Same name as existing type

6041 - Same name as existing class

6042 - Same name as existing class constant

6043 - Same name as existing type constant

6044 - Same name as existing global constant

6045 - Same name as property

6046 - Same name as system variable

6047 - Same name as existing method

6048 - Method already defined in another schema

6050 - Cannot change name

6051 - Duplicated identifier

6052 - Duplicated label

6053 - Label mismatch

6054 - Invalid break or continue label

6055 - Nothing to break or continue

6056 - This is not a method

6057 - Non-constant expression

6058 - Invalid statement

6059 - Invalid operator

6060 - Incompatible operand

6061 - Non-numeric operand

6062 - Non-boolean operand

6063 - Non-alphabetic operand

6064 - This is not a string

6065 - Not an integer

6069 - Too many parameters

6070 - Parameter number mismatch

6071 - Incompatible parameter type

6072 - Incompatible types

6073 - Length must be specified

6074 - Length of Real must be 4 or 8 bytes

6082 - Cannot assign to compound expression

6083 - Cannot assign to type

6084 - Cannot assign to constant

6085 - Cannot assign to method

6086 - Cannot assign to exclusive collection

6087 - Cannot assign to automatic reference

6088 - Cannot update automatic collection

6089 - Cannot assign to read-only property

6090 - Cannot access protected property or method

6091 - Cannot delete exclusive collection

6092 - Cannot assign to variable

6093 - Cannot assign an exclusive collection to a property

6094 - Updating method called for constant value

6096 - Cannot call updating method from non-updating method

6097 - Cannot update property in non-updating method

6098 - Cannot update constant

6099 - Cannot assign to primitive type conversion

6100 - Redundant type cast

6110 - Invalid return expression

6111 - Missing return expression

6112 - Return expression mismatch

6113 - Method will always return before this statement is reached

6114 - Method does not return a value

6115 - Constructors and destructors cannot have parameters or return type

6116 - This is not a collection expression

6117 - This is not a collection class

6118 - Already defined as a JADE method

6119 - Already defined as an external method

6124 - Signature of referenced method has changed

6125 - Signature of superclass method has changed

6126 - Type has changed

6130 - Invalid method name

6131 - Method signature conflicts with superclass implementation

6132 - Method signature conflicts with prior definition

6133 - Method signature conflicts with corresponding control method

6134 - This is not a boolean

6135 - This is not allowed on JADE methods

6136 - This is not an abstract class

6137 - Abstract methods cannot have a body

6139 - Cannot change class map

6140 - No class map defined for class

6150 - Value cannot be zero

6151 - Value cannot be greater than 23

6152 - Scale factor cannot exceed precision

6153 - inheritMethod not valid in constructor or destructor

6154 - Method not implemented in any superclass

6155 - Invalid use of pseudotype

6156 - This is not an explicit inverse reference

6157 - Inverse operator mismatch

6158 - Incompatible update modes

6159 - Unknown type or constant

6160 - Invalid type cast

6161 - Invalid type

6162 - Cannot define global constant in terms of type constant

6170 - Attributes cannot have abstract type

6171 - Cannot modify system basic object

6172 - Only RootSchema can have a null superschema

6173 - Schema already exists with a different superschema

6174 - Non system user cannot load into system schema

6175 - Cannot modify object defined in superschema

6176 - Cannot subclass superschema form - this schema defines extra locales

6177 - User class cannot be mapped to system map file

6178 - A schema cannot have more than one subclass of Application, Global or WebSession

6179 - Cannot define subclasses of this class

6180 - Cannot define inverse to a property in a superschema

6181 - No inverse is defined for this property

6183 - Cannot specify entrypoint and library for abstract method

6184 - Entrypoint and library must be specified

6185 - Invalid mapping method signature

6186 - No corresponding property for mapping method

6187 - Cannot access virtual property with no mapping method

6190 - Class is not a subclass of create variable

6191 - Cannot create an abstract class

6192 - This is not a class

6193 - This is not a member-key dictionary

6194 - This is not an external-key dictionary

6195 - Membership must be specified for collection class

6196 - Incorrect number of keys

6197 - Must use add method to add a value to a member-key dictionary

6198 - This is not a valid locale number

6199 - Locale not defined in localeDefinitions section

6200 - Cannot load Locale Mapping Dialog

6204 - No keys defined for dictionary class

6205 - Invalid key property

6206 - Total length of dictionary key or keys exceeds 512 units

6209 - Exception handler must return an Integer

6210 - Recursive definition

6211 - Exception class required

6212 - Invalid exception handler

6213 - Non exception expression

6214 - Constant names must begin with uppercase

6216 - Syntax or feature is not yet supported

6220 - Method is checked out to another delta and cannot be loaded

6221 - Multiple line comment is not terminated

6222 - New patch version is less than current patch version

6223 - Reorg does not support this change

6224 - Invalid operation for external object

6225 - Cannot define inverse to a virtual property

6226 - Cannot define class map for superschema class

6227 - Non-mapping method with same name as property

6228 - Cannot change default class map file

6229 - Incompatible schema file format

6230 - Non-numeric control variable

6232 - Same name as reserved word

6233 - User encryption library not found

6234 - Cannot load user encryption entry point

6235 - User routine encryptSchemaSource failed

6236 - User routine decryptSchemaSource failed

6237 - Invalid encrypted header

6238 - Property already defined in a subclass

6239 - Cannot load user decryption entry point

6240 - Only RootSchema can define a userHook method signature

6241 - JadeSchema cannot reimplement a userHook method

6242 - This is not a valid clone of locale

6243 - No Application, Global or WebSession subclass defined in superschema

6244 - Unknown constant

6245 - Database file number must be specified

6246 - Invalid database file number

6247 - Cannot start name with underscore character

6248 - Cannot remap system database file

6249 - Incompatible foreach option

6250 - Cannot define exclusive abstract collection

6251 - Constant value has changed

6252 - Schema load is not in restart state

6253 - Invalid text at schema file restart position

6254 - Type of method has changed

6255 - Cannot load JADE patch release using JADE thin client

6256 - Property has changed

6257 - Keys have changed

6258 - Cannot update compound expression

6259 - Length must be positive

6260 - Scale factor cannot be negative

6261 - JADE patch release decryption failed

6262 - JADE patch release must be encrypted

6263 - Cannot execute this function from a non-system node

6264 - Cannot define inverse to a dynamic dictionary

6265 - Invalid use of variable parameter list

6266 - Signature of base control method has changed

6267 - Invalid option value

6268 - Type must be specified

6269 - Hex byte exceeds maximum byte value

6270 - Binary delimiter mismatch

6271 - Invalid exception handler receiver

6272 - External function already defined in another schema

6273 - Cannot change class to abstract

6274 - Unknown condition

6275 - Invalid constraint

6276 - Invalid condition signature

6277 - This is not allowed in conditions

6278 - Maximum block size too large

6279 - Member type size too large

6280 - Cannot assign to meta object

6281 - Structural changes are not allowed

6283 - Cannot load JADE patch release for non-existent schema

6284 - Invalid qualified identifier

6285 - Number too big

6286 - Invalid membership

6287 - Cannot remove condition option - condition used as a constraint

6288 - Invalid update mode for constraint

6289 - Cannot specify systemOnly option for user schema entity

6290 - Cannot specify unpublished option for user schema entity

6291 - Cannot specify subschemaHidden option for system schema entity

6292 - Incompatible lifetime option - check superclass lifetime restrictions

6293 - Cannot define external condition

6294 - This is not allowed in report scripts

6295 - Patch control security check failed - refer to the JADE log file

6296 - Package already defined

6297 - Unknown package

6299 - Cannot add parameters - condition used as a constraint

6300 - Receiver type is not an imported class

6301 - Cannot define translatable string in terms of type constant

6302 - Ambiguous imported class

6303 - Cannot import package - class already imported from another package - see jommsgs

6304 - Method cannot be final -- has implementors

6305 - Method cannot be subschemaFinal -- has subschema implementors

6306 - Cannot reimplement a final method

6307 - Cannot reimplement a subschema final method in a subschema

6308 - Cannot create instance with this lifetime -- check class lifetime restrictions

6309 - Class cannot be final -- subclasses exist

6310 - Class cannot be subschemaFinal -- subclasses exist in subschema

6311 - Cannot reimplement method in a subschema copy class

6312 - Cannot load an exported package definition into a system schema

6313 - Cannot load an imported package definition into a system schema

6315 - Cannot specify html option for non-HTML class

6316 - Invalid option or comma missing between options

6317 - Method cannot be subschemaCopyFinal -- has subschema copy implementors

6318 - Invalid database file name

6319 - Duplicated feature number

6320 - Class options have changed

6321 - Expecting TranslatableString name

6322 - webService option must be specified for a Web Services method

6323 - webService option can only be specified for a Web Services method

6324 - This is not a Web Services class

6325 - This is not a Web Services method

6326 - Cannot reimplement a condition

6327 - Validation access check failed

6328 - Schema default locale cannot be clone

6329 - Schema default locale already defined

6330 - Schema default locale is undefined

6331 - Parameter count does not match default locale translation

6332 - Default locale has no translation of this string

6333 - Schema load was missing TranslatableString source for this locale

6334 - Translatable string already defined in another schema

6335 - Cannot add a mapping method to a subschema hidden property

6336 - Cannot add a mapping method to a property used in a condition

6337 - Cannot change the exporter schema or exported package of an imported package

6338 - Unknown interface

6339 - Same name as existing interface

6340 - Method signature conflicts with implemented interface method

6341 - Signature of interface method has changed

6342 - Attempted recursive call of the compiler

6343 - Cannot specify clientExecution or serverExecution on primitive methods

6344 - Web Service method cannot return type Any

6345 - Web Service method cannot have parameters of type Any

6346 - Interface method mapping not defined for this class

6347 - Superinterface has not been implemented for this class

6348 - Cannot delete a method which is checked out (see jommsgs)

6349 - Method already defined in superinterface or subinterface

6350 - Expression type should be ApplicationContext

6351 - Cannot specify a method name here

6352 - Constants or TranslatableStrings were left with errors (see jommsgs)

6353 - Preceding locale TranslatableString parameter count does not match default locale

6354 - Structural changes are not allowed - reorg in progress

6355 - Cannot delete entity - see jommsgs

6356 - Invalid conditionSafe signature

6358 - ConditionSafe only allowed on user virtual property mapping methods

6361 - Schema load disallowed - reorg or logical certify is active

6362 - Schema load disallowed - reorg is incomplete

6363 - Attempt to version object failed

6364 - Method exists in a superclass in the latest schema context

6365 - Method exists in a subclass in the latest schema context

6366 - Class marked as webService but is not in an ExposedList

6367 - Constant needs compile

6368 - Class already exists in the latest schema context

6369 - Sending method is checked out to another delta and cannot be updated

6370 - Implementing method is checked out to another delta and cannot be updated

6371 - Method exists with a different signature in a subclass in another schema

6372 - Cannot import package - exported by a superschema or subschema

6373 - Invalid UNICODE character value

6374 - StringUtf8 literal text incorrectly formatted

6375 - Schema file localeDefinitions section is empty

6376 - StringUtf8 literal text contains a non-US-ASCII character

6377 - StringUtf8 literal entity name is missing a trailing semicolon

6378 - StringUtf8 literal entity name is unrecognised

6379 - The declared type number does not match the defined type number

6380 - This is not a OID

6381 - Schema add denied - global class of a superschema needs reorg

6382 - Called method needs recompile to rebuild formal parameter list

6384 - Proxy webservice class already exposed

6385 - Dictionary keys definition does not match superclass

6386 - Dictionary keys definition does not match subclass

6387 - Error occurred copying dictionary keys to subclasses

6388 - Method cannot be both abstract and notImplemented

6389 - Methods marked with notImplemented cannot have a body

6390 - Cannot call a method marked with notImplemented

6391 - First actual parameter for PseudoMethodCallType must be object reference

6392 - Second actual parameter for PseudoMethodCallType must be valid method name

6393 - PseudoMethodCallType parameter prevents use of AppContext clause

6394 - PseudoMethodCallType target method formal parameters cannot be output or io

6395 - Class already exists in a superschema or subschema

6396 - Cannot delete ExternalDatabase entity - see jommsgs

6397 - Non-static translatableString

6398 - Same name as format

6399 - Cannot update the latest version

6400 - Unexpected token

6401 - Invalid error code

6402 - Expecting:

6406 - Unknown ExecuteFlag name

6407 - Invalid ExecuteFlag name

6408 - ExecuteFlag name is not a Boolean global constant

6409 - Schema load modified a current version object during full versioning

6410 - This type is not allowed for a WebService method parameter or return type

6411 - Structural changes are not allowed - class is in use

6412 - Cannot update the current version

6413 - The type of this property is undefined within this schema

6414 - Cannot add a mapping method to an imported class

6415 - Cannot combine multiple unitTest options on a method

6416 - Unit test methods must have no parameters and no return type

6417 - Type is incomplete imported type as a result of circular package dependencies

6418 - Web Service method cannot return Interface type

6419 - Web Service method cannot have parameters of type Interface

6420 - Interface is already implemented by this class in a subschema or superschema

6421 - Cannot reuse existing class map for a partitioned file

6422 - Can only map a single class to a partitioned file

6423 - Cannot map a collection class to a partitioned file

6424 - Cannot unpartition a partitioned file via a schema load

6425 - Invalid partition method signature

6426 - This is not allowed in a partition method

6428 - Cannot access versioned feature in current version of method

6429 - Cannot mark the default map as partitionable

6431 - Cannot use option browserExecution on method in this class

6432 - Cannot have multiple execution location options on a method

6435 - Cannot remove subclassPersistentAllowed option as subclass instances exist

6436 - ActiveX Exposures are no longer valid

6439 - A dynamic property with the same name already exists

6440 - A user class with the same name already exists

6441 - The expression is too complex

6442 - An abstract class cannot have a unitTest option

6443 - A static property cannot be converted to a dynamic property and vice versa

6444 - A dynamic property cannot have its cluster name changed

6445 - Unsupported dynamic property type change

6446 - A Dynamic property cannot be virtual

6447 - A Dynamic property cannot be changed from non-embedded to embedded

6448 - Changes to Dynamic properties can only be made in the latest version

6449 - Java exposures are no longer valid

6500 - Cancelled by user