Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 6000 through 6999 - JADE Compiler Errors > 6253 - Invalid text at schema file restart position

6253   Invalid text at schema file restart position


This error occurs during the schema load when the compiler attempts to restart a previous load but the text at the restarting position in the schema file does not match the text saved in the restart information.

The check is performed to prevent integrity problems that might result from restarting a schema file load with a changed schema file.


Restore the original schema file and then restart the load.

If the load cannot be successfully restarted, the schema may be in an inconsistent state. You should delete the schema and load a complete definition of the schema from a schema file.

For deployed systems, check the Clear Restart check box on the Load Schema dialog to reset the restart information before loading the complete definition schema file.