Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 6000 through 6999 - JADE Compiler Errors > 6019 - Invalid option

6019   Invalid option


This error occurs if you specify an option that is not valid for the element that you are defining.

When you define types, methods, and certain other elements in a JADE schema file or method, the definition can be followed by a list of options. These options are in the form of a list of modifiers separated by commas, and they specify additional attributes of the item being defined. Examples include the protected, updating, and abstract options on a method definition (for details, see "Method Options", in Chapter 1 of the JADE Developer’s Reference) and the transient option on a class definition.

This error can also result from a misplaced identifier or some other syntactic error, causing the compiler to interpret an identifier as an option when an option was not intended.


Change the invalid option, or correct the method syntax if this is the cause of the error.