Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 6000 through 6999 - JADE Compiler Errors > 6007 - Token too long

6007   Token too long


This error occurs if an identifier or number exceeds the maximum allowed length.

In JADE, all identifiers are limited to a length of 100 characters and numbers are limited to a length of 30 digits. This error can also be caused by a typing error; for example, a space or period is omitted between two identifiers.


Change your source code to reduce the length of the identifier to 100 characters or fewer, or the length of the number to 30 digits or fewer. If a space or period has been omitted, correct the input accordingly. Although an external function and external method entry point has a maximum length of 255, if it is longer than 100 characters, the namespace or entry point must be enclosed in single quote (') or double quote (") characters.