Product Information > JADE Error Messages and System Messages > 6000 through 6999 - JADE Compiler Errors > 6070 - Parameter number mismatch

6070   Parameter number mismatch


This error occurs when the number of parameters in a message send (method call) does not match the number of parameters in the definition of the method.

This error can also occur when you compile mapping methods. Mapping methods must always have two parameters.


Correct the number of parameters in the message send to match the parameters of the method definition.

In some cases, the message send may be correct and the method definition incorrect. In these cases, you should correct the method definition.

If you are compiling a mapping method, ensure that there are two parameters.

A mapping method has the following signature.

method-name(set: Boolean; _value: type io);

The set parameter is true if the property is being set and false if the value of the property is being read. The _value parameter is a variable value of the same type as the property.