JadeAuditAccess Methods

The methods defined in the JadeAuditAccess class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
clearRegisteredFilters Clears any registered class filters
descriptionClassIsSubclass Returns true if the class number specified in the classNumber parameter is a subclass of the class number specified in the superclassNumber parameter in the loaded description
generateDescription Creates a description file containing a list of the names and required metadata of all schemas, classes, and properties
getAfterImage Returns a Binary containing a copy of the audit after-image beginning with the oid and followed by the object properties
getAfterPropertyValue Returns the value of the specified property in the after-image
getBeforeImage Returns a Binary containing a copy of the audit before-image beginning with the oid and followed by the object properties
getBeforePropertyValue Returns the value of the specified property in the before-image
getBlobProperty Returns the attributes of the specified blob or slob property
getBlobValue Reassembles the complete before‑image and after‑image of the specified blob or slob
getChangedPropertyNames Populates the passed array with the names of the properties that are partially or wholly spanned by changes in the journal record
getChangeUserData Returns information from a journal record that audits changes to the user code of a process
getClassName Returns the schema and class names of the specified class number
getClassNumber Returns the class number of the specified class in the specified schema
getClassProperty Retrieves the attributes of the property of the specified class number
getClassPropertyNames Populates the passed array with the names of the properties of the specified class number
getCollectionBlockKeys Populates the passed array with dynamic objects describing the additions, removals, and changes in this edition of the MemberKeyDictionary collection block
getCollectionBlockOid Returns the string representation of the oid of the collection block record
getCollectionBlockOids Populates the passed added and removed oid arrays with the string representations of the oids added and removed in this edition of the collection block
getJournal Locates the journal (or the first journal) to be accessed
getJournalName Returns the name of the current journal
getJournalNumber Returns the number of the current journal
getJournalPath Returns the path of the current journal
getNextJournal Locates the next journal to be accessed
getNextRecord Returns the next (relevant) record retrieved from the current journal file
getNextRecordUTC Returns the next (relevant) record retrieved from the current journal file with additional UTC timestamp information
getProperty Returns the attributes of the specified property for the class of the current audit record
getUTCBias Returns the UTC bias value of the current journal
getUserData Returns user name and index or the user index of the current record
loadDescription Enables the user to select a description file to load
loadDescriptionByName Loads a specified description file
nextAuditRecord (Deprecated) Use the getNextRecord method
registerFilterClass Specifies class filtering for the specified class number
registerFilterClassName Specifies class filtering for the specified schema and class name
registerFilterCollection Specifies collection class filtering for the specified class number
registerFilterCollectionName Specifies collection class filtering for the specified schema and class name
registerFilterTimeRange Specifies the first and last timestamps for filtering accessible audit records
registerFilterTimeRangeUTC Specifies the first and last timestamps in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for filtering accessible audit records
setAccessMode Sets the journal access mode
setFilterExcludes Changes the record filtering mechanism to exclude mode

For an example of a journal reader method that utilizes functionality of the JadeAuditAccess framework, see "JadeAuditAccess Class Method Example", later in this chapter.