
getCollectionBlockKeys(pEntries: JadeDynamicObjectArray input);

The getCollectionBlockKeys method of the JadeAuditAccess class clears the array specified in the pEntries parameter and then populates it with dynamic objects describing the additions, removals, and changes in this edition of the MemberKeyDictionary collection block.

The dynamic objects have the name attribute value of JAA_MemberKeyDictionaryEntryName ("JAAMemberKeyDictionaryEntry") and the type attribute value of JAA_MemberKeyDictionaryEntryType (50).

The dynamic attributes for the JAAMemberKeyDictionaryEntry object type are listed in the following table.

Name Type Description
entryOid String

Oid of the entry

keyBytes Integer

Length of keys in bytes

beforeKeys Binary

The entry keys value in the block before image

afterKeys Binary

The entry keys value in the block after image

Entries added to the block have an empty beforeKeys value. Entries removed from the block have an empty afterKeys value. Entries with changed keys have before and after key values.