
getNextRecordUTC(pType:          Integer output;
                 pObjectType:    Integer output;
                 pRecordOffset:  Integer output;
                 pUTCTimestamp:  TimeStamp output;
                 pUTCBias:       Integer output;
                 pTimestamp:     TimeStamp output;
                 pSerialNumber:  Decimal output;
                 pTransactionId: Decimal output;
                 pOid:           String output;
                 pClassNumber:   Integer output;
                 pEdition:       Integer output): Boolean updating;

The getNextRecordUTC method of the JadeAuditAccess class returns the next (relevant) record retrieved from the current journal file. The current journal file must have been previously opened by using the getJournal or getNextJournal method.

This method returns true if a journal record matching the current filtering was located in the current journal file or it returns false if there are no further audit records in the current journal file to access.

If there is a new description file associated with the record, it is loaded and the descriptionFilename and descriptionTS properties are updated. An exception (5003 - Requested file not found) is raised if a new description file cannot be opened. The extended error text contains the timestamp of the missing description file.

The getNextRecordUTC method returns details of user-defined classes only. Details of system classes are not returned.

Records read from the audit journal are examined to retrieve description modification information prior to any filtering action.

The getNextRecordUTC method returns the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) timestamp and UTC bias values of the record. If you want to retrieve a record without returning the UTC timestamp and UTC bias values, use the getNextRecord method of the JadeAuditAccess class.

The possible values returned in the pType parameter are listed in the following table.

Integer Value JadeAuditAccess Class Constant Action
11 Jaa_Type_Create Create object
12 Jaa_Type_Delete Delete object
17 Jaa_Type_Update Update object
49 Jaa_Type_DatabaseOpen Database open
50 Jaa_Type_DatabaseClose Database close
51 Jaa_Type_BeginTransaction Begin transaction
52 Jaa_Type_CommitTransaction Commit transaction
53 Jaa_Type_AbortTransaction Abort transaction
54 Jaa_Type_AuditSwitch Audit switch
64 Jaa_Type_NoAuditDiscontinuity No-audit discontinuity
80 Jaa_Type_ReorgDiscontinuity Reorganization
96 Jaa_Type_UserSignOn User sign-on
97 Jaa_Type_UserSignOff User sign-off
98 Jaa_Type_ChangeUser Change user code

The possible values returned in the pObjectType parameter are listed in the following table.

Integer Value JadeAuditAccess Class Constant Description
0 Jaa_Object_Null No object; that is, control record
1 Jaa_Object_Object Object
2 Jaa_Object_Blob Blob (binary large object)
5 Jaa_Object_CollectionBlock Collection block
9 Jaa_Object_Collection Collection

The values returned by the other parameters in the method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
pRecordOffset Offset of the record in the journal.
pUTCTimestamp Timestamp of the record in UTC.
pUTCBias UTC bias when the record was timestamped, in minutes.

Timestamp of the record as the local time of the system that created the journal.

pSerialNumber Audit serial number.
pTransactionId Transaction identifier.
pOid Object identifier is returned as a String primitive type (and not as an Object, which could be invalid).
pClassNumber Class number of the object.
pEdition Update count of the object.

When the value of the pObjectType parameter is a collection block, the pOid parameter is the oid of the collection. Use the getCollectionBlockOid method to retrieve the oid of the collection block record.

Blob and collection block records are returned only when journal access mode is set to Jaa_AccessMode_Long. See the setAccessMode method.