
getJournal(pDirectory:     String;
           pJournalNumber: Integer;
           pRecordOffset:  Integer io): Integer updating;

The getJournal method of the JadeAuditAccess class locates the journal (or first journal) to be accessed and opens the file.

The pDirectory parameter specifies the absolute path of the journal folder on the server on which the application is running, the pJournalNumber parameter specifies the required audit journal, and the pRecordOffset parameter specifies the number of characters to be skipped at the beginning of the file.

The file is positioned to the first audit record after the specified offset and that file position is returned in the pRecordOffset parameter.

This method returns zero (0) if the audit journal is available. If it is not available, an exception is raised.

If there is a description file associated with the current journal and offset, an attempt is made to load it. The descriptionPath property, if null (""), is assigned a default value and the descriptionFilename property is assigned. The descriptionTS property is assigned only after a successful description load. If the description file is already loaded and its timestamp has not changed, it is not reloaded.

If the description file is not available, all methods requiring class or property names as parameters, or in their results, will not function (and they will usually return a false result).