descriptionClassIsSubclass(classNumber: Integer; superclassNumber: Integer): Boolean;
The descriptionClassIsSubclass method of the JadeAuditAccess class returns true if the class number specified in the classNumber parameter is a subclass of the class number specified in the superclassNumber parameter in the loaded description.
When operating:
Out of band (that is, where journals and description files are from a different system), you cannot use the class numbers from audit records as input to meta‑programming constructs in the executing process, as the schema definition does not exist.
In band, the issue remains as to whether the description file in use is the same as that which is current (that is, there are no outstanding reorganizations that have yet to be traversed).
You must therefore use the descriptionClassIsSubclass method instead of the Object class isKindOf method.
For an example of the use of this method, see "