Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1

Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1

This document covers the following topics.

For details about using a web browser to view the JADE product information, see "JADE HTML5 Online Help", in Chapter 2 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide. For details about using Acrobat Reader to view JADE documents, see "JADE Product Information Library in Portable Document Format", in Chapter 2 of the JADE Development Environment User’s Guide.

The JADE Product Information Library document (JADE) provides a summary of contents of documents in the JADE product information library and navigation to the documents.

If you want to develop your own installation process for Windows, the JADE install and upgrade steps are documented in the ReadmeInstallSteps document in the \documentation directory.

To customize the deployment upgrade on Windows, see "Customizing the Deployment Upgrade Process", in Appendix A of the JADE Runtime Application Guide.