Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Changes in JADE Release 7.1.04

Changes in JADE Release 7.1.04

This section contains details about product and documentation changes in JADE release 7.1.04. For details about release 7.1.03 (the first general release of JADE 7.1), see "JADE 7.1 Changes that May Affect Your Existing Systems" and "Changes and New Features in JADE Release 7.1.03", elsewhere in this document.

Converting User Database Files (PAR 62300)

Database Roll-Forward Recovery (PAR 60499)

DataPumpApplication Parameter (PAR 62311)

Exception::errorItem Property Length (PAR 62349)

JadeHttp Logging of Message Meta Data (PAR 62345)