Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Upgrading an SDS Native or RPS Secondary System

Upgrading an SDS Native or RPS Secondary System

When upgrading to JADE 7.1 from a JADE 6.3 or 7.0 release, the Synchronized Database Service (SDS) native or Relational Population Service (RPS) secondary must always be re‑cloned from the upgraded primary database.

On an RPS secondary system, it is possible to retain the SQL Server database providing that the upgrade is done as a high availability upgrade. For details, see the HighAvailabilityUpgradeSteps document.

The ReadmeInstallSteps.pdf and HighAvailabilityUpgradeSteps.pdf documents are installed in the \documentation folder by the InstallShield.