Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Changes in JADE Release 7.1.05

Changes in JADE Release 7.1.05

This section contains details about product and documentation changes in JADE release 7.1.05.

For details about release 7.1.03 (the first general release of JADE 7.1) and changes in release 7.1.04, see "JADE 7.1 Changes that May Affect Your Existing Systems", "Changes and New Features in JADE Release 7.1.03", and "Changes in JADE Release 7.1.04", elsewhere in this document.

Background Process Lock Timeout (PAR 62567)

Batch Schema Load Utility reportReplaceView Parameter (PAR 62375)

Cache Size Limit Default Values (PAR 62677)

Dynamic Property Clusters

Deleting Dynamic Clusters (PAR 62396)

Dynamic Property Cluster Names (PAR 62436)

Extracting and Loading Dynamic Property Clusters (PAR 62434)

JadeHTMLClass::buildFormActionOnly Method (PAR 62632)

JadeRecompileAllMethods Application (PAR 62539)

MemoryAddress Value Adjustment (PAR 62517)

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Support (PAR 62731)

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package (PAR 62506)

Thread Parameters in the [JadeServer] Section (PAR 62498)