Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Background Process Lock Timeout (PAR 62567)

Background Process Lock Timeout (PAR 62567)

You can now specify a default lock timeout for the background process, in the BackgroundProcessServerTimeout parameter in the [JadeClient] and [JadeServer] sections of the JADE initialization file.

The background process lock timeout is specified in milliseconds, with the default value of 30000 (that is, 30 seconds).

You should not change this value unless the background process is having locking problems. Before you increase this value, examine the application to determine which objects are being locked and whether locks are being held for too long. For example, new nodes cannot sign on if the system.nodes dictionary is locked by the application. It is better to change the application to minimize the locking of system collections.