Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > JadeRecompileAllMethods Application (PAR 62539)

JadeRecompileAllMethods Application (PAR 62539)

In earlier releases, the JadeRecompileAllMethods non‑GUI client application in the jadclient executable recompiled only uncompiled methods or methods in error.

To force a recompilation of all successfully compiled methods, the JadeRecompileAllMethods application now has the optional includeAlreadyCompiled command line argument, which has a Boolean (true|false value), as shown in the following example.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\testjade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeRecompileAllMethods endJade includeAlreadyCompiled=true

As the includeAlreadyCompiled argument defaults to false, specify includeAlreadyCompiled=true on the command line to recompile all previously (successfully) recompiled methods.