Product Information > Version 7.1 Release Information > Upgrading to JADE Release 7.1 > Upgrading to JADE 7.1 from an Earlier Release

Upgrading to JADE 7.1 from an Earlier Release

Server nodes (database upgrades) require the 64‑bit edition. Client nodes can upgrade the 64‑bit edition or the 32‑bit edition. This upgrade involves a migration of the data from an earlier release to JADE 7.1, due to the nature of the structural changes of the objects in the database.

This database upgrade will require sufficient disk to accommodate an additional full copy of the database plus head-room of about 10 percent of the database size.

As the JADE Replication Framework has been deprecated in JADE 7.1, any applications that use the Replication Framework may cease to function correctly.

If you want to develop your own installation process, refer to the JADE install and upgrade steps documented in the ReadmeInstallSteps.pdf document in the \documentation directory.

As with any JADE release, you may need to recompile any external method Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) or external programs using the JADE Object Manager Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) with the new JADE \Include and \Library files before you attempt to run your upgraded JADE systems. (For details about the JADE Object Manager APIs, see Chapter 3 of the JADE Object Manager Guide.)

Some obsolete files are deleted from the JADE directories when upgrading from an earlier JADE release. If you require these files for your JADE system, you must save them before you upgrade or restore them from the original JADE 7.0 or 6.3 release medium.

Documentation and example files are not part of the installation and must be downloaded and installed from the JADE Web site or the release medium separately, if required, into the documentation folder and examples folder, respectively, of your JADE installation directory.

The JADE Setup program enables you to upgrade your binary and database files to JADE 7.1 from a JADE 6.3 release or higher, by performing the following actions.

  1. Ensure that your JADE environment is JADE release 6.3 or higher.

    On the JADE 7.0 or 6.3 system, carry out the following certify operations. Proceed to the next certify operation only when any and all errors reported in the current operation are resolved.

    1. A physical certify using JADE Database utility (jdbutil.exe or jdbutilb.exe), to ensure that the system is structurally correct. (For details, see Chapter 1 of the JADE Database Administration Guide.)

    2. A meta logical certify, to ensure that the meta model is clean. (For details, see "Running a Non-GUI JADE Logical Certifier", in Chapter 5 of the JADE Object Manager Guide.)

    3. A logical certify, to ensure that the user data is referentially correct. (For details, see "Running the Diagnostic Tool", in Chapter 5 of the JADE Object Manager Guide.)

      If you are unsure how to interpret the information output by the certify process, contact JADE Support ( for advice.

  2. If your database has partitioned database files, ensure that any offline partitions are brought online.

  3. Use the JADE Database utility to take a full backup of your existing JADE 6.3 or 7.0 database.

    As roll‑forward recovery of the installation and upgrade process is not supported, it is important that you backup your database before starting the JADE Setup process to install JADE 7.1 and upgrade your existing data.

  4. If the JadeReportWriterSchema has been installed, you must extract the data and then delete the schema before upgrading; that is:

    1. In the JADE Report Configuration application, select the Unload All command from the View menu to unload all of your report data to a .rwa file. In the File Name text box of the Unload All dialog, specify the name and location of the file to which you want to extract all of your report writer data; for example:


      Alternatively, you can use the executeMethod in the batch JADE Load utility to extract all reports, as shown in the following example.

      jadloadb path=d:\jade\system ini=d:\jade\myjade.ini schema=JadeReportWriterSchema executeSchema=JadeReportWriterSchema executeClass=JadeReportWriterGlobal executeMethod=unloadAllToFile executeParam=d:\jade\rpts\alldata.rwa
    2. Delete the JadeReportWriterSchema schema by using the Remove command in the Schema menu of the JADE development environment or by using the deleteSchema parameter in the batch JADE Load utility; for example:

      jadloadb path=d:\jade\system ini=d:\jade\myjade.ini deleteSchema=JadeReportWriterSchema
  5. If the dbghelp.dll file is present in the bin folder of the 7.1 system when upgrading to JADE 7.1, JADE Sentinel may crash during the upgrade process. After upgrading, a Windows error may occur and the JADE Sentinel fail to start.

    Although the upgrade process (or JADE) itself will continue successfully, you should delete the dbghelp.dll file from the bin folder before you upgrade to JADE 7.1 or disable JADE Sentinel (that is, by setting the value of the EnableSentinel parameter in the [FaultHandling] section of the JADE initialization file to False).

  6. Ensure that you have the appropriate privileges or capabilities to install applications.

    Installing any Microsoft redistributable package requires administration privileges.

    If you are upgrading the 64-bit edition, the vcredist_x64.exe Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x64) is required. If you are upgrading the 32‑bit edition of JADE, the vcredist_x86.exe Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86) is required. This will be installed during the JADE installation and is supplied on the JADE distribution media.

  7. To start the JADE Setup program, invoke the setup.exe program from the Jade71 release medium or execute the executable program downloaded from the JADE Web site.

  8. If they are not already installed, the required Microsoft Windows C++ Redistributable Packages are installed.

  9. In the Welcome folder, click the Next> button to continue the upgrade process.

  10. Read the entire software license agreement in the Software License Agreement folder and then click the Yes button to continue the installation.

  11. In the Installation Type folder, select the Feature Upgrade option button, to specify that you want to upgrade an existing JADE release. By default, the Fresh Copy option is selected.

  12. In the Setup Type folder, select the type of installation that you are upgrading. By default, the Development option is selected for 64‑bit installation or JADE Client for 32‑bit installation.

    The Custom type applies only to a Fresh Copy installation type, and is not relevant when upgrading.

    The SDS/RPS Database Server option applies only to 64-bit Feature Upgrade installation type (it is not available for a JADE 6.3 to 7.1 upgrade).

  13. In the Select Installation Folders folder, specify the locations of the JADE files that are to be upgraded.

    The upgrade process defaults to the most-recently used JADE files, and displays these values in the Install Directory, Executable Directory, and Database Directory text boxes. The installation directory is most likely to be the root directory in which you installed JADE, unless you subsequently renamed the root directory or moved the files to another location.

    If the locations are not as required, click the adjacent browse buttons (indicated by the ... ellipsis symbols) to display the common File Selection dialog that enables you to select the appropriate directories and files. By default, the jade.ini file located in your specified database directory is used. If required, use the JADE INI File text box to specify a different valid fully qualified directory and name of the JADE initialization file; for example:


    If Program Start folders are to be updated, specify the name of the folder in the JADE Program Folder text box. If you are unsure of the folder to be updated, click the adjacent browse button to display the common Folder selection dialog that enables you to select the folder.

    The Database Directory text box enables you to explicitly specify the location in which the database (system) files are installed. When the destination folder is not \Program Files, the database destination defaults to system under the install folder (for example, if you specify c:\jade71 in the Install Directory text box, the database directory defaults to c:\jade71\system).

    If the installation directory is a subdirectory of the programmatically determined location of \Program Files, the \Program Files portion of the install directory is replaced with the programmatically discovered location for the common application data directory (for example, if you specify c:\Program Files\Jade71 in the Install Directory text box, the default database location is c:\ProgramData\Jade71\system).

    The process checks whether the specified database directory is a valid system and that it is the correct ANSI or Unicode type.

  14. The Start Copying Files folder summarizing your upgrade options is displayed. If the selections displayed in the Start Copying Files folder are correct, click the Next> button.

    Alternatively, click the <Back button to modify your selections.

  15. The Question dialog is displayed, advising you to ensure that you have taken a full backup of that database before you proceed with the upgrade process.

    When you are sure that you are upgrading the correct system (and that it has been backed up), click the Yes button to start the upgrade process.

  16. A warning message box is then displayed, advising you that Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) may need to be recompiled. Click the OK button, to recompile any required DLLs.

  17. A warning message may be displayed if the upgrade validation process has not completed. If so, check the jadeupgrade.log file for information about what needs to be modified in your user schemas to pass the validation and enable application execution.

  18. When the upgrade is complete, the JADE Setup program informs you that the JADE Setup was successfully completed and that you can now view the ReadMe.txt file. To view the ReadMe.txt file, ensure that the check box is checked (the default).

    The ReadMe.txt file is then displayed in a text editor (for example, Notepad). The ReadMe.txt file is a read‑only text file installed in your JADE root directory that you can print or delete, if required. This file contains a reference to other JADE-related documents.

  19. Click the Finish button to end the JADE upgrade process.

  20. Re-establish any control file paths set for database files and any required partition file attributes such as location, label, and frozen or offline states.

  21. Install any jadrap database services (that is, JADE Remote Node Access services) you had set up in JADE 7.0 or 6.3. (For details, see "Running the Server Node as a Service", in the JADE Remote Node Access Utility User’s Guide.)

  22. If the JadeReportWriterSchema is required, reload the 7.1 JadeReportWriterSchema and then reload the reports and data extracted in step 1 of this instruction, by using one of the following actions.

  23. Use the JADE Database utility to take a full backup of your JADE 7.1 database.

After the upgrade has completed, the database files of the earlier release are retained in the directory database‑directory_70 or database‑directory_63 (for example, c:\jade\system_70). The database‑directory (for example, c:\jade\system) contains the upgraded JADE 7.1 database.

For details about the JADE 7.0 to 7.1 upgrade process checking for methods that referenced Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) external functions and marking any such references for recompile during the upgrade validation phase, see "External Function Calls (PAR 63250)" under "Changes in JADE Release 7.1.07", later in this document. The references must be corrected before restarting the validation. You must manually check and validate any references in systems already running on JADE 7.1.

As with any JADE release, you may need to recompile any external method Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) or external programs using the JADE Object Manager Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) with the new JADE \Include and \Library files before you attempt to run your upgraded JADE systems. (For details about the JADE Object Manager APIs, see Chapter 3 of the JADE Object Manager Guide.)

Some obsolete files are deleted from the JADE directories when upgrading from JADE 7.0 or 6.3. If you require these files for your JADE system, you must save them before you upgrade or restore them from the original JADE 7.0 or 6.3 release medium.

Documentation and example files are not part of the installation and must be downloaded and installed from the JADE Web site or the release medium separately, if required, into the documentation folder and examples folder, respectively, of your JADE installation directory.