Performing Edit Actions

Use the commands in the Edit menu from Browser windows for editing functions; for example, a copy or a search function.

Edit commands are disabled if the Schema Browser has the focus.

The Edit menu commands are listed in the following table.

Command For details, see…
Undo Undoing an Action, later in this chapter
Redo Redoing an Action, later in this chapter
Cut Cutting Text, later in this chapter
Copy Copying Text, later in this chapter
Paste Pasting Text, later in this chapter
Select All Selecting All Editor Pane Content, later in this chapter
Macro Recording and Replaying a Series of Keystrokes, later in this chapter
Find/Replace Searching for or Replacing an Element in a Schema, in Chapter 3
Find Again Finding the Next Occurrence of Specified Text, in Chapter 3
Find Again Reverse Direction Searching for Text in a Reverse Direction, in Chapter 3
Find At Caret Locating Text on Which the Caret is Positioned, in Chapter 3
Quick Inspect Focus Using the Quick Inspect Toolbar, in Chapter 6
Global Find/Replace Searching for an Element in all Classes in the Current Schema, in Chapter 3
Refactor Refactoring a Jade Method, in Chapter 4
Replace Indent Replacing Editor Pane Indentation, later in this chapter
Usages Displaying Identifier Usages from the Editor Pane, earlier in this chapter

Edit menu commands that are not available for selection are disabled. For example, if you have not selected any text in the editor pane, the Copy, Cut, and Paste commands are disabled so that you cannot select them.

To quickly access the Edit menu without having to click the Edit menu on the menu bar when the editor pane is the current window, right‑click to access the context (popup) menu. Alternatively, click an edit function toolbar icon.