Displaying Identifier Usages from the Editor Pane

The Jade Platform development environment and editor pane enable you to select an identifier in the method source and request usages of the identifier by using the Usages of identifier command in the Edit context (popup) menu in the editor pane without having to find and select the item from a hierarchy browser and performing the same action.

Usages include references, property and method local references, property read and update references, method implementors, local implementors, and implementor references.

The cursor must be positioned in the identifier name with nothing selected or the whole identifier must be selected.

This functionality requires the Jade AutoComplete feature to be in use for the method (that is, the Use AutoComplete check box in the Auto Complete group box on the Editor Options sheet of the Preferences dialog is checked).

The identifier must be one of the following.

When the mouse is hovered over the method name at the start of the source, bubble help for the method includes the schema and class to which the method belongs.

Display the Edit menu by selecting the Edit menu in the menu bar or by right‑clicking in the editor pane of the method, as shown in the following image. If the cursor is not positioned on one of the above types of identifier, the 'usages' menu item is disabled and the caption displays Usages - no suitable identifier selected.

If the selected identifier is one of the following, the menu command that is displayed is References of identifier‑type identifier‑name; for example, References of Class Customer.

Selecting the menu command displays the references to that identifier in a hierarchy browser. If the identifier is a property or method, the displayed menu command has the caption Usages of identifier‑typeidentifier‑name; for example, Usages of Class Customer.

Clicking the menu displays a submenu of the following options that depend on the type of identifier.

Clicking these commands performs the same actions as those when selecting the item in a browser list and then right‑clicking and selecting the equivalent menu command.

If AutoComplete is not active, the Usages of identifier command is not displayed in the Edit menu.

2020.0.01 and higher