Refactoring a Jade Method

The Refactor command in the Edit menu provides commands that enable you to restructure a component of an existing method.

The refactoring functionality is enabled only when the AutoComplete feature is turned on; that is, you have checked the Use AutoComplete check box in the Display Options group on the Preferences dialog Editor Options sheet. (For details, see "Using Jade AutoComplete Functionality", in Chapter 2.)

Ctrl+F2 displays the Refactor menu at the cursor position. This menu is also displayed when you select the Refactor command from the Edit menu or by right‑clicking in the editor pane and then selecting the Refactor command.

The Refactor menu is disabled for a Workspace method because a Workspace has no self class object and therefor the menu is not relevant.

The result of a refactoring action is displayed in the status line; for example:

Local variable docExample : String was added to the method vars

For details, see the following subsections.