Copying Text

Use the Edit menu Copy command from any editor pane to copy a selected portion of a method to another position in the current method or to another method or the contents of the current list window to the clipboard. This command is disabled when there is no selected portion of the current method to be copied or a list window does not have focus.

Select the portion of the method or the list window that you want to copy. The selected portion of the method or an entity in a list window is then highlighted.

If focus is in a list window that has a hierarchical structure of nodes, only those entities that have been displayed since the browser window was opened are copied. For example, if focus is in a Class List and no collapsed nodes have been expanded, only the highest level classes are copied. Conversely, if one or more nodes has been expanded and subsequently collapsed while the browser window had focus, all lower-level entities that have been displayed are copied to the clipboard.

To copy a selected portion of a method or a list window, perform one of the following actions

The selected portion of the method or the entities in the list window are then copied to the clipboard. The clipboard is not saved between Jade sessions.

You can also copy and paste content using multiple carets and rectangular selection. For details, see "Editing Multiple Selections and Rectangular Selections", later in this section.