Loading a Reporting View Definition

Use the Load definition command from the View menu to load a reporting view definition. For details about unloading a reporting view definition, see "Unloading a Reporting View Definition", in the previous section.

If the view that you are loading already exists (that is, you are loading a different version of the view), make sure that the existing view does not contain features in error that are used in existing reports.

If in the view that you are loading, an alias is associated with a different feature or path name, make sure that:

To load a reporting view definition

  1. Select the Load definition command from the View menu. The Load View dialog is then displayed.

  2. In the File Name text box, enter the name and location of the view definition file that you want to load. (View definition files have the .rwv suffix.)

    If you are unsure of your file name or location, click the Browse button. The common File dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select the appropriate file.

  3. The Replace view check box is checked by default, which means that if a reporting view with the same name already exists, view items (types, features, root collections, joins, and script methods) that are not in the incoming view extract file and are not used in any existing report definitions are removed. Those items that are used in existing reports are retained.

    Two reports can have the same name only if they belong to different views and they are saved in different folders. When a report for the same name and same folder but for a different view is loaded, the report is loaded into a subfolder with the same name as the report. If the folder does not already exist, it is created. The folder creation and the change of report folder are output to the jadereportwriter.log file.

    Alternatively, uncheck the Replace view check box to merge an existing view with the loaded extract file. If a reporting view already exists with the same name as the view in the extract file, it is updated from the file. Existing types, features, root collections, joins, and script methods have their details overwritten from the extract file. Existing view items that are not in the extract file remain unchanged. New view items from the extract file that do not exist in the existing view are added to the view.

    When merging views, the view load also checks the path and feature aliases in the incoming file against the existing view for a mismatch between an incoming path alias and an existing feature alias, or the reverse. If the existing field is unused, it is replaced by the incoming field; otherwise, the existing field is left unchanged and an error is reported.

  4. Click the Load button. A progress dialog is displayed while the reporting view is loading. Click the Cancel button on the progress dialog to abandon the load process at any time, if required.

Your reporting view is then loaded and you can open it in the Jade Report Writer Configuration application window. For details, see "Opening a Reporting View", earlier in this chapter.

The batch Jade Load utility (jadloadb) enables you to load report configuration or definition files into an existing schema.

For details about loading a reporting view into an existing Jade user schema (for example, when you load a new user schema and there are associated Jade Report Writer reporting views that are to be loaded as part of the application release), see "Multiple Schema File Syntax", in Chapter 10 of the Development Environment User's Guide, and "Loading Schemas in Batch Mode using jadloadb", in the Schema Load User's Guide.