Loading Schemas in Batch Mode using jadloadb

The jadloadb program enables you to automate the Schema Load utility by running it in batch mode. Run the batch Schema Load utility (for example, from a command script), specifying the following.

jadloadb path=database-path

The schema loader arguments are described in "Loader Arguments", later in this document.

The following is an example of the command for loading the Test schema.

jadloadb path=d:\jade\system schemaFile=d:\jade\scm\test.scm ddbFile=d:\jade\scm\test.ddb|ddx ddxFile=d:\jade\scm\test.ddx dontSaveSources=true ini=d:\jade\myjade.ini deletePropertiesIfAbsent=true loadStyle=onlyStructuralVersioning replayableReorg=true compileUnchangedMethods=true

As the batch Schema Load utility does not read parameter values (for example, the IniFile and Path parameters) from the [JadeLoader] section of the Jade initialization file, you must specify all argument values on the command line if you do not want to use default values.

If a schema load is attempted when a reorganization is in progress, the load fails. For details about reorganizing schemas, see "Reorganizing Your Schema", in Chapter 3 of the Development Environment User's Guide.

The batch Schema Load utility program displays a progress report of each phase of the load operation. Standard load information is output to stdout and error information is output to stderr. (For details about displaying and redirecting the output from Jade batch utilities, see the DisplayApplicationMessages, LogServer, and UseLogServer parameters under "Jade Log Section [JadeLog]", in the Jade Initialization File Reference.)

An error is returned if a file listed in a multiple (.mul) file does not exist.

At the end of the load operation, the running display provides a completion report. If the jadloadb executable program fails, a non‑zero exit code is returned and an error message is displayed; for example, if the database directory was invalid.

Detailed results of the loading of files extracted from the Jade Report Writer, including the success or otherwise of the load, are logged to the jadereportwritern.log file in the log directory.

If an exception occurs during the load process, the exception text is output to the console window and the exit code from the process is non-zero.

An exception (that is, 8510 – Methods in error were detected by the schema load) is raised if the batch schema load process detected methods that are in error. Although this is a warning only and the loading of the schema has completed, you should correct the methods that are in error and then run the batch schema load again.

The jadloadb program arguments are described in the following subsections.