Reorganizing Your Schema

To reorganize classes and database files

  1. Perform one of the following actions to reorganize your current schema when it is marked for reorganization (indicated by a red light).

    • Click the Schema Needs Reorg toolbar button. When the schema is not marked for reorganization, the toolbar button changes to a green light and bubble help for the button displays Reorg Is Not Required.

    • Select the Reorg command from the Schema menu and then select the Reorg Schema command from the submenu that is displayed.

    If you perform either of these actions when a reorganization is in progress, the progress dialog of the currently executing reorganization is displayed (that is, a new reorganization is not started, as only one reorganization can be in progress at any one time).

    The Classes Needing Reorg dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed, listing all classes in all schemas that require reorganization. The database files and their sizes are also displayed at the end of the list, to enable you to estimate the potential disk requirements and time that the reorganization requires.

  2. If you do not want the reorganization progress dialog displayed during the reorganization, uncheck the Show progress check box. When this is checked (the default value), you can monitor the progress of the reorganization and you can cancel the reorganization at any time. You can close the progress dialog by clicking the close icon at the top right corner in the window title bar. This does not cancel the reorganization.

  3. If you want to wait until the reorganization is complete, check the Wait for reorg to finish check box. By default, this check box is not checked; that is, other work can continue in the Jade Platform development environment during the reorganization. In multiuser mode, you can exit from the Jade Platform development environment and the reorganization continues.

    If a reorganization is required before a form and data definition (.ddb or .ddx) file can be loaded, the Classes Needing Reorg dialog is displayed with the Wait for reorg to finish check box checked and disabled.

  4. If you do not want to allow other users to continue development and update the database while the reorganization is in progress, uncheck the Allow updates check box. (The Initiate transition check box is then checked if it was unchecked and it is disabled.)

    The Allow updates check box is checked by default, to allow updates to proceed up until the reorganization transition is initiated; for example, other users can still modify (that is, edit and compile) methods in the development environment. This check box is disabled and unselected when the FastBuildBTreeCollections parameter in the [JadeReorg] section of the Jade initialization file is set to true. If updates are disabled while the reorganization is in progress, the reorganization must initiate the transition. Any error occurring during the reorganization results in the reorganization being aborted; that is, the reorganization cannot be restarted. For details, see "Allowing Updates" under "Reorganization Options", in Chapter 14 of the Developer's Reference.

  5. If you do not want the reorganization to initiate the transition, uncheck the Initiate transition check box. For details, see "Initiating Transition" under "Reorganization Options", in Chapter 14 of the Developer's Reference. The Initiate transition check box is checked and disabled if you unchecked the Allow updates check box in the previous step.

    When performing a reorganization in production mode, the transition must be initiated in single user mode. For details, see "Running Jade Production Mode Databases", in Chapter 1 of the Runtime Application Guide.

  6. If you do not want to perform a replayable reorganization, uncheck the Replayable check box. If archival recovery is enabled (that is, the EnableArchivalRecovery parameter in the [PersistentDb] section of the Jade initialization file is set to true), the Replayable check box is enabled and checked by default. For details, see "Replayable Reorganizations" under "Reorganization Options", in Chapter 14 of the Developer's Reference.

  7. Click the Reorg button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon the reorganization.

The reorganization of all classes and database files in all schemas requiring reorganization is then initiated. After a delay (depending on the number of class instances requiring reorganization), a message box advises you of the reorganization completion status.

If concurrent updates are disallowed, reorganization cannot be initiated if there are any outstanding transactions. If other users are using the Jade database, you must wait until all transactions are complete before you initiate the reorganization. No transactions can be started when a reorganization that disallows concurrent updates is in progress.

If a reorganization is in progress and you select the Reorg command from the Schema menu, the progress dialog is displayed.

If a schema load or the removal of versioning from a schema is attempted when a reorganization is in progress (regardless of whether the reorganization progress dialog is displayed), the load or version removal fails.

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