Multiple Schema File Syntax

If you specify the extraction of multiple schemas, the names of your selected schemas (and their associated forms) are by default extracted to an .mul file, with a prefix name of the current schema.

You can also specify files extracted from the Jade Report Writer or individual class or method files extracted from the Jade Platform development environment. When you edit an .mul file (for example, by using a text editor such as Notepad), specify each file on a separate line.

When you specify different file types extracted from the Jade Report Writer, define them in the order in which they should be loaded (that is, in the logical order in which they were defined and extracted), with configuration files and then any report definitions files extracted from the designer application specified last.

If a package is imported into a schema that is extracted to a multiple extract file and the schema that exports this package is also extracted, the exporting package schema extracted (and therefore loaded) before the importing package schema. For details about selecting multiple files to load into a Jade database, specifying the order in which the files are loaded, and then creating a multiple load file, see "Specifying the Load Order when Loading Multiple Files", later in this chapter.

The syntax of the multiple schema file is as follows.

first-schema-name.scm first-schema-name.ddb|ddx
second-schema-name.scm second-schema-name.ddb|ddx
third-schema-name.scm third-schema-name.ddb|ddx

The following is an example of a multiple schema extract file.

MyTestSchema.scm MyTestSchema.ddx
LockTest.scm LockTest.ddx
PrintTest.scm PrintTest.ddx
SortTest.scm SortTest.ddx

For details and syntax about the multiple schema file to which methods added to a method view are extracted, see "Extracting a Method View", in Chapter 13.