Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 10 - Extracting and Loading Schemas > Extracting Your Schema

Extracting Your Schema

JADE enables you to extract multiple schemas, a complete schema, or parts of a schema; for example, as a backup before you reorganize your database, install a new release of JADE, or if you want to pass code to another JADE developer.

If you extract a class that has an inverse to a property of another class that is not part of the same extract operation, it is your responsibility to ensure that you extract the other class as well or that the other class already exists in the target schema with the appropriate property.

You can resize the Extract dialog (by clicking on the form border and then using the mouse to drag the form to the required position when the cursor changes shape to a double-ended arrow); for example, to enable you to display a greater number of classes, interfaces, and methods when performing a selective extract.

To extract a user-defined schema

  1. In the Schema Browser, select the schema that you want to extract, if it is not the current schema.

  2. Access the Extract Dialog from the Schema Browser, by performing one of the following actions.

The Extract Dialog, shown in the following diagram, is then displayed.

For details, see the following subsections.

Specifying Your Extract Options

Extracting Multiple Schemas

Multiple Schema File Syntax

Specifying Your Schema Options

Specifying Your Parameter File Options

Parameter File Syntax

Specifying Selective Options

Specifying Your Application Options

Specifying Your Change Options

Extracting a Schema View

Specifying Your Schema View Extract Options

Specifying Your Schema View Options

Extracting a Specific Class, Method, or Primitive Type

Extracting a Selected Class

Extracting a Selected Method

Extracting All User-Defined Methods in a Selected Primitive Type

Extracting All Schema-Defined Methods

Extracting Schemas as a Non-GUI Client Application

Extracting Schemas in Sections