Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 10 - Extracting and Loading Schemas > Extracting Schemas as a Non-GUI Client Application

Extracting Schemas as a Non-GUI Client Application

You can use the jadclient non-GUI client application to automate the extraction of your user-defined schemas, passing command line arguments after the endJade parameter to specify your extract requirements. For details about:

To extract schemas as a non-GUI application, specify the following parameters in the jadclient program.

jadclient path=database-path

The arguments that you can specify after the endJade parameter are listed in the following table.

Argument Format Description
Multiple multiple-schema-file-name schema-name-list Multiple schema extract from the current schema context for the listed schemas
ML multiple-schema-file-name schema-name-list Multiple schema extract from the latest schema context for the listed schemas
Patch schema-file-name forms-file-name patch‑number schema‑name Patch extract from the current schema context of all changes made against the patch number for the specified schema
PL schema-file-name forms-file-name patch-number schema-name Patch extract from the latest schema context of all changes made against the patch number for the specified schema
Version multiple-schema-file-name patch-version-number Patch extract from the current schema context of all changes made to all schemas against the patch number
VL multiple-schema-file-name patch-version-number Patch extract from the latest schema context of all changes made to all schemas against the patch number
Single schema-file-name forms-file-name schema-name Extract from the current schema context of the specified schema
SL schema-file-name forms-file-name schema-name Extract from the latest schema context of the specified schema
File schema-file-name forms-file-name parameter‑file‑name schema-name Extract from the current schema context using a parameter file
EL multiple-schema-file-name Multiple schema extract from the latest schema context of every user-defined schema
B schema-file-name forms-file-name schema-name Extract a stub version of a schema from the current schema context of a schema containing a package
BL schema-file-name forms-file-name schema-name Extract a stub version of a schema from the latest schema context of a schema containing a package
<encrypt> "<encrypt>" Encrypted schema source files
delta delta-identifier Extract a specific delta when extracting a schema from a parameter file

For details about extracting multiple schemas or extracting selected classes and methods to a parameter file, see "Extracting Multiple Schemas" or "Specifying Your Parameter File Options", earlier in this chapter. See also "Extracting a Patch Version", in Chapter 3 of the JADE Development Environment Administration Guide, for details about extracting patch versions and "Stub Packages", in Chapter 8 of the JADE Developer's Reference, for details about extracting a version of the schema that contains only stub versions of each package.

When specifying extract arguments:

You cannot use the jadclient program to automate the extraction of schemas from a deployed environment, as the internal system-only JadeSchema schema from which batch extractions are run is not present in deployed databases.

The following examples show the use of the jadclient program to extract schemas.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade Every c:\temp\myschemas.mul
// The EL argument is a synonym of the Every argument

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade File c:\jade\test\Sales.scm c:\jade\test\Sales.ddb c:\SalesBits.unl Sales

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade SL "c:\temp\Sales.scm" "c:\temp\Sales.ddb" Sales

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade Version c:\temp\versionchgs.mul 4

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade Multiple c:\temp\selected.mul Sales Accounts Orders

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade Single "c:\dir with space\Sales.scm" "c:\dir with space\Sales.ddb" Sales

jadclient path=r:\jade\system ini=r:\jade\system\myjade.ini server=multiUser host= port=6005 schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade Single Sales.scm Sales.ddb Sales

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini server=singleUser schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade Single c:\temp\myTest.scm c:\temp\myTest.ddb Test "<encrypt>"

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade Patch c:\jade\Test\Sales.scm c:\jade\test\Sales.ddb 2 Sales

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade B c:\temp\S1Stub.scm c:\temp\scmS1.ddb S1

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract endJade PL c:\Extracts\SpeedSend.scm c:\Extracts\SpeedSend.ddb 5 SpeedSend