Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 10 - Extracting and Loading Schemas > Extracting a Specific Class, Method, or Primitive Type

Extracting a Specific Class, Method, or Primitive Type

Use the Extract command from the Classes, Methods, or Types menu in the Class Browser or Primitive Types Browser to save a selected class, method, or all methods in a selected primitive type for extraction to a file.

Use the Extract All command from the Classes menu in the Class Browser to extract the selected class and all subclasses, if applicable.

For details about extracting a specific interface, see "Extracting an Interface", in Chapter 14.

If you want to encrypt your extracted class, method, or primitive type methods, you must use the Selective sheet of the Extract dialog to select the element that you want to extract and then check the Encrypt Sources check box in the Extract dialog Schema Options sheet. (The common Save As dialog does not enable you to encrypt the saved file.)

You can also extract an external database schema, an ActiveX type or .NET library, a relational view, an exposure, a method view, an RPS mapping, or a .NET exposure. For details, see "Extracting an External Database Schema" in Chapter 3, "Extracting and Loading ActiveX Schema Definition Data" or "Extracting and Loading .NET Schema Definition Data" in Chapter 16, "Extracting a Relational View" in Chapter 9, "Extracting an External Function or Library" in Chapter 8, "Extracting a Method View" in Chapter 13, "Extracting an RPS Mapping" in Chapter 15, or "Extracting a C# Exposure" in Chapter 17 of this guide, respectively.

For details about loading an extracted class or method in a multiple schemas file (.mul), see "Multiple Schema File Syntax", earlier in this chapter.

The Extract or Extract All command is a quick means of extracting a class, method, or primitive type user-defined methods for:

The class, primitive type, or method Extract or Extract All command is a simpler, faster way to extract an individual method, class, all user-defined methods in a primitive type, or class and subclasses than performing a selective extract of your schema.

When you extract a class, its associated methods, properties, and so on are also extracted. When you extract a selected primitive type, its associated methods are extracted.

You can extract only user-defined classes or methods.