Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 9 - Defining ODBC Inquiry Relational Views and Ad Hoc Indexes > Extracting a Relational View

Extracting a Relational View

You can extract a relational view as part of the schema in which it is defined or you can extract only the relational view itself.

User-defined tables are not extracted when the schema or relational view is extracted, because user-defined entities are dependent on user data (not schema meta data) and cannot be loaded into other JADE systems. Any user-defined tables must be:

To extract a relational view only

  1. In the Relational Views Browser, select the relational view that you want to extract.

  2. Select the Extract command from the Relational menu. The Extract Dialog is then displayed.

  3. In the Schema File Name and Forms File Name text boxes of the Extract Options sheet, specify the appropriate names and location of your .scm and .ddb files, respectively.

  4. Change the default file path and names if required and then click the OK button. By default, your relational view is extracted as .scm and .ddb files that are prefixed with the name of your relational view; for example, MyRelView.scm and MyRelView.ddb. These files are extracted to your JADE working directory by default; for example:


For details about extracting the relational view as part of the schema in which it is defined, see "Extracting Your Schema", in Chapter 10.