Product Information > JADE Development Environment User’s Guide > Chapter 10 - Extracting and Loading Schemas > Specifying Your Schema View Options

Specifying Your Schema View Options

The Schema Options sheet of the Extract View dialog is displayed when you have specified your extract options and you select the Schema Options sheet, to enable you to specify the parts of the schema view that are to be extracted.

To specify your schema view options

  1. In the Global Constants group box, select the global constants that are to be extracted. By default, only the schema global constants that are used in your methods are extracted.

    Select the Extract All option button if you want all global constants in the schema view to be extracted. Select the None option button if you do not want any global constants to be extracted.

  2. In the Translatable Strings/User Formats group box, select the translatable strings and user formats that are to be extracted. By default, only the translatable strings and user formats that are used in the schema view are extracted.

    Select the Extract All option button if you want all translatable strings and user formats extracted. Select the None option button if you do not want any to be extracted.

  3. In the External Functions group box, select the external functions that are to be extracted. By default, only the external functions that are used in your methods are extracted.

    Select the Extract All option button if you want all external functions extracted. Select the None option button if you do not want any to be extracted.

  4. Click the OK button to confirm your selections, or the Cancel button to abandon your selections.