View Menu

Use the commands in the View menu to manage your configuration views.

The View menu commands are listed in the following table, which also lists the subsections in this chapter that describe these commands.

Command Description For details, see…
New Starts a new view Creating a New Reporting View
Open Opens an existing view Opening a Reporting View
Delete Deletes a view Deleting a Reporting View
Close Closes the current reporting view Closing a Reporting View
Unload definition Extracts and stores a retrievable reporting view definition Unloading a Reporting View Definition
Load definition Loads an extracted reporting view definition Loading a Reporting View Definition
Remove undefined Removes unused reporting view definition items Removing Undefined View Items
Highlight changes Highlights changed schema entities Highlighting Changed Items
Validate Validates your reporting view Validating a Reporting View Definition
Build to file Builds a default definition to file Building a Default Reporting View Definition
Unload All Extracts all report writer data to one file Unloading All Report Writer Data to a Single File
Load All Loads all report writer data from one file Loading All Report Writer Data from One File
Usage Displays the reports that use this reporting view Checking Your Reporting View Usage
Exit Configuration Closes the Jade Report Writer Configuration application