JadeTextEdit Properties

The properties defined in the JadeTextEdit class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
canPaste Specifies whether the clipboard contains text and it can be pasted into the buffer
canRedo Specifies whether editor actions exist that can be redone
canUndo Specifies whether editor actions exist that can be undone
currentColumn Contains the column in which the caret is positioned
currentLine Contains the line in which the caret is positioned
currentPosition Contains the character offset at which the caret is positioned
edgeColor Contains the color of the marker used to show a line has exceeded the edgeColumn length
edgeColumn Contains the number of the column at which the long linemark indicator is displayed
edgeMode Contains the mode that is used to display long lines in the text editor
endOfLineMode Contains the type of end-of-line sequence that is used when new lines are inserted
firstVisibleLine Contains the number of the first line that is visible in the text editor
foldFlags Contains the flags that influence text folding behavior
foldSymbols Contains the symbol set used in the fold margin when line folding is enabled
folding Specifies whether text block folding is enabled in the editor
indentGuides Specifies whether vertical indentation guidelines are displayed in the editor
indentWidth Contains the width in characters of the text editor indent
language Contains the programming language used in the text editor
markerMargin Specifies whether the marker margin containing linemarks is displayed
modified Specifies whether the text has been modified
readOnly Specifies whether the text is read-only for user input
selBackColor Contains the background color of text selected in the text editor
selForeColor Contains the color of text selected in the text editor
selLength Contains the number of characters selected in the text editor
selStart Contains the starting character offset of selected text in the text editor
selText Contains the string of the currently selected text in the text editor
tabWidth Contains the width of a tab in the text editor
text Contains the text in the text editor
useTabs Specifies whether tabs are used in the text editor to indent lines to the next indent position
viewEndOfLine Specifies whether end-of-line characters are displayed in the text editor
viewLineNumbers Specifies whether line numbers are displayed in the first margin of text editor lines
viewWhitespace Specifies whether space and tab characters are visible in the text editor
wrapIndent Contains the number of spaces by which continuation lines of wrapped lines are indented in the text editor
wrapMode Contains the way in which lines of text that exceed the text editor control width are wrapped
wrapVisualFlags Contains the way in which visual flags indicating wrapped text are displayed in the text editor
zoom Contains the zoom factor of the text editor

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.